The Great Transformation. Theoretical Foundation.
Eco-innovation is increasingly considered to be the key to Europe’s future competitiveness within the framework of sustainable development. It requires a systemic and holistic perspective to understand the fundamental changes and the “great transformation”, which are needed to boost eco-innovation and realise the full potential of “green growth” and a “green economy”. The goal of this project is to analyse how public, intermediary and private support systems for entrepreneurship have to be changed in order to systematically boost the development and implementation of eco-innovation, and make realistic recommendations for policy makers and important actors of the support systems on how to initiate a paradigm change in their supporting schemes.
Work Package 1 (WP1) provides a theoretical foundation, an interdisciplinary framework and common, basic methodological approaches for the work to be carried out in the project and its individual work packages. It is based on a collectively developed understanding of the complex topic being researched. The theoretical foundation arises from the interdisciplinary background of the research team. WP1 thus draws on research on transformation (transformation theory, entrepreneurship studies, and innovation studies), sustainability in the context of the economy as well as systems theory (including design research). Relevant concepts of support systems are explored. We identify and examine the role of key actors of the support system for entrepreneurship and key approaches to boost eco-innovation. Against this background, we explain the importance of the foci in the study.
Work Package 1 (WP1) provides a theoretical foundation, an interdisciplinary framework and common, basic methodological approaches for the work to be carried out in the project and its individual work packages. It is based on a collectively developed understanding of the complex topic being researched. The theoretical foundation arises from the interdisciplinary background of the research team. WP1 thus draws on research on transformation (transformation theory, entrepreneurship studies, and innovation studies), sustainability in the context of the economy as well as systems theory (including design research). Relevant concepts of support systems are explored. We identify and examine the role of key actors of the support system for entrepreneurship and key approaches to boost eco-innovation. Against this background, we explain the importance of the foci in the study.
Fichter, K., Fuad-Luke, A., Klofsten, M., Bergset, L., Bienkowska, D., Clausen, J., Geier, J., Hjelm, O., Kanda, W., Kuisma, M. & Cabrera Viancha, P. (2013). Support Systems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Transformation (SHIFT). Work Package 1: Theoretical Foundation. Berlin, Linköping, Aalto: SHIFT.